Rewatched in 2021. Heat is the story of a clash of Titans: high performers, perfectionists & maniacs. The fact that one of them is a law-enforcer while the other specializes in high-stake heists is but a contingency, one that allows for a thrilling spectacle and a memorable showdown. The action and swelling tension are crucial, but it's much more than that: it's as if something deeply modern yet grand, far-reaching, perhaps mythical was happening before our eyes. The fleshing out of every character, main & minor alike, and the closure of their individual story highly contributes to this effect. Music also notably conveys a transcending & eerie atmosphere that haunts & immerses the viewer
3.5 这次拼凑起来的家庭不再如同小偷家族一般有着治愈和慰藉各有各的秘密各有各的桎梏影片所营造的氛围阴森而压抑满是一种人生被掌控的无力感一切迷雾的背后国产yeezy是一系列心理创伤的切口私生子女、形婚同妻、深柜同志、阶级剥削、校园霸凌、单亲缺爱、逃避现实、男权控制每个人都被自己心头的枷锁困住逃不出去无能为力